Workshop package


This package includes a workshop that will take you through the exact steps you need to launch your consultancy from home..

Here are some of the things the workshop will cover:

  • Crafting an irresistible offer that leverages your expertise and credentials.
  • How to grow a laser-targeted audience easily and quickly.
  • Controlling your personal brand online like a pro
  • Identifying your ideal customer or client avatar
  • Coming up with a simple sales funnel that works for you 24/7
  • The essential tools you need to run your one-person online side hustle, and were to get them for cheap.




This package includes a workshop that will take you through the exact steps you need to launch your consultancy from home..

Here are some of the things the workshop will cover:

  • Crafting an irresistible offer that leverages your expertise and credentials.
  • How to grow a laser-targeted audience easily and quickly.
  • Controlling your personal brand online like a pro
  • Identifying your ideal customer or client avatar
  • Coming up with a simple sales funnel that works for you 24/7
  • The essential tools you need to run your one-person online side hustle, and were to get them for cheap.